
2024-07-20 07:30


The Order of Foreign Passport English Name

When applying for a foreign passport, one of the requirements is to provide your name in English. However, the order in which one's English name is written may differ from country to country. Understanding this order can help prevent potential errors and delays in the application process.

Western Name Order

In Western countries, the name order follows the standard format of first name, middle name, and last name. For example, if your name is John Michael Smith, your English name would be written as John Michael Smith.

Middle Name as Initial

In some countries, the middle name is not a common practice. In this case, the middle name may be replaced with an initial. For example, if your name is Juan Carlos Garcia, your English name may be written as Juan C. Garcia.

Last Name First

In some Asian countries, the last name comes first, followed by the first and middle name(s). For example, if your name is Lee Min Ho, your English name would be written as Min Ho Lee.

No Middle Name

In certain cultural backgrounds, it is uncommon to have a middle name. In this case, only the first and last names are used for the English name order. For example, if your name is Abdul Rahman Ali, your English name may be written as Abdul Ali.

Focusing on Immigration

Focusing on Immigration, Jiaodian Immigration is a registered immigration agency approved by various governments, providing international students' education and global immigration planning services. The company provides comprehensive services, including study abroad, famous school application, immigration planning, asset allocation, corporate expansion, etc.

With our international admissions counselor, professional lawyers, and finance and taxation professional team, we offer customized global immigration planning services and international education study abroad programs. We cover 37 countries or regions, including Hong Kong, Macau, the United States, Singapore, Europe, Caribbean Islands, and so on. We also provide free pre-evaluation and planning, efficient copywriting team, and assist applicants in obtaining admission to famous schools and international identity planning.

Operating in 20 international cities, including Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Singapore, Hong Kong, the United States, and others, Jiaodian Immigration has provided successful cases for over 8,000 families and more than 200 cooperative channels. Providing a range of value-added services tailored to customers' needs, our aim is to deliver comprehensive one-stop services that help customers achieve their education and wealth enhancement goals, and to provide dedicated customer support every step of the way.




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